Treating Hairdressing as a Professional Career

Treating Hairdressing as a Professional Career: The Key to Making Real Money

Hey there, future Rich Hairdressers! 👋

I've been in this business for over three decades, and let me tell you, it's been a wild, rewarding ride. I've seen the ups and downs, the trends that come and go, and the hairdressers who've either made it big or faded away. But what separates the successful from the not-so-successful? It's simple: treating hairdressing as a professional career.

Why the Professional Approach Matters

You might think you can get by with raw talent, and sure, that helps. But to turn this into a real money-making venture, you need to approach it with the seriousness and dedication you'd give to any other career. Doctors, lawyers, engineers—they didn't get where they are by cutting corners, and neither will you.

Certification & Training

Just like any other profession, you need to be licensed!  Make sure you're trained from a reputable school, and keep updating your skills. Don't skimp on advanced courses in coloring, makeovers, cutting, or even business management. Clients can spot the difference between a "jack-of-all-trades" and a specialist from a mile away.

Networking and Building Relationships

Remember that time your dentist sent you a birthday card? That's professional relationship-building 101. In our business, word-of-mouth is golden. So, attend industry events, keep in touch with your clientele, and don't underestimate the power of a well-timed discount or a free styling session.

Financial Management

You've got to manage your finances like a pro. Budget for your tools, salon space, and marketing. Track your income and expenditure meticulously. Financial instability is one of the key reasons businesses fail, so don't let that be you.

Real-World Examples

Example 1: The "Too Cool for School" Stylist

Let's talk about Danny. Danny was an exceptional talent but thought that was enough. He never pursued further training after hairdressing school. His clients started noticing his outdated techniques, and when balayage became the rage, Danny was still stuck on basic foil highlights. He lost a chunk of his clientele because he didn't adapt and grow.

Example 2: The Networking Guru

Meet Sarah. She may not be the best stylist in town, but she knows every client by name, their kids' names, and even their dogs' names! She's active on social media, regularly updates her blog, and sends out a monthly newsletter filled with hair care tips and special offers. She's built such strong relationships that she's booked solid for months.

Example 3: The Financial Whiz

Then there's Alex. Alex treats his salon like a mini-corporation. He's got detailed spreadsheets for income, expenses, and forecasts. He even hired a part-time bookkeeper and invested in good salon software. Because of his financial prudence, he's been able to expand and now owns a chain of salons.

Tips for Treating it Like a Professional Career

  • Continuing Education: Take at least two advanced courses each year.
  • Networking: Aim to attend at least one industry event each quarter.
  • Client Management: Use software to keep records, appointments, and important dates.
  • Finance: Always keep at least three months' worth of operational costs in a separate bank account for emergencies.
  • Self-Care: You can't pour from an empty cup; make sure you're taking care of yourself to give your best to your clients.

To wrap it up, if you want to make real money in hairdressing, it's not enough to be good at what you do. You've got to be good at HOW you do it. Treat it like the professional career it is, and you're not just going to survive—you're going to thrive.

Here's to becoming the next generation of Rich Hairdressers! 🥂

Aloha, Missy

P.S. I've got tons of other insights to share, so stay tuned for more nuggets of wisdom!



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